Gasparini, Barbosa e Freire Advogados no Leaders League 2025

Gasparini, Barbosa e Freire Advogados foi reconhecido no Leaders League 2025, no ciclo Dispute Resolution, Investigations & Insurance, por sua expertise nas áreas de Civil and Commercial Litigation, Labor Litigation e Labor Advisory.

Agradecemos aos nossos clientes e parceiros pela confiança e parabenizamos nossa equipe por seu trabalho e dedicação, fundamentais para mais essa conquista.

Gasparini, Barbosa e Freire Advogados has been recognized in Leaders League 2025, within the Dispute Resolution, Investigations & Insurance cycle, for our expertise in Civil and Commercial Litigation, Labor Litigation, and Labor Advisory.

We sincerely thank our clients and partners for their trust and congratulate our team for their hard work and dedication, which were essential to achieving this milestone!